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61st IMO 2020

PAR at IMO 2020 Daniel Sebastián Peña ValinottiGabriela Montserrat Ríos BerniSebastián Misael Cano SanabriaAlexander Jesús Amado Olmedo TorresAlfredo Nahuel Gómez RuizEfrain Ezequiel Britez Berden

Contestant []P1P2P3P4P5P6TotalRankAward
Team results2820860447528.85%B, HM, HM, HM
Daniel Sebastián Peña Valinotti720000939535.93%Honourable mention
Gabriela Montserrat Ríos Berni700000744527.80%Honourable mention
Sebastián Misael Cano Sanabria7007602022763.25%Bronze medal
Alexander Jesús Amado Olmedo Torres700000744527.80%Honourable mention
Alfredo Nahuel Gómez Ruiz000100153213.66%
Efrain Ezequiel Britez Berden00000005609.11%
Leader: Darío De Jesús Torres Herebia
Deputy leader: Gerardo Sigfredo Fisch Paredes

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